Cars and Coffee April 30 - Southlake Supercharger
Everyone is invited to our own NTTOG version of Cars and Coffee! This event is open to ALL NTTOG members (free and contributing) and will be a great opportunity to enjoy some coffee and a delicious pastry, talk Tesla and get acquainted with both long-time members, as well as newbies!

Let's All Go to the Drive-In on March 5
Another outdoor activity (while practicing social distancing) was just what the doctor ordered! First showings typically start between 7:15 - 8:00 pm. We recommend getting there early (6:00 pm) so we can do a nice socially-distanced arrangement of our Teslas (club photo op!), order food & drink, and safely reconnect with all our club friends.

Cars and Coffee March 5 - Park Lane Supercharger
Everyone is cordially invited to our own NTTOG version of Cars and Coffee! This event is open to ALL NTTOG members (free and contributing) and will be a great opportunity to have a cup-o-joe, enjoy a delicious donut or pastry, talk Tesla, get acquainted with both long-time members, as well as all of the NKOTB (new kids on the block)!

Tesla Owners Converge on Cocoamoda
The COCOAMODA drive today was fantastic. Rain threatened, but it held off, except just a few sprinkles, and the overcast skies made for pleasant temperatures in Calvert, Texas.