Road Trip to Horton Classic Car Museum & McGehee Catfish Restaurant

Saturday, February 25, 2017
First Road Trip for 2017, Classic Cars and & as much Fried Catfish as you wanted.
We all had a great time gazing at the Over 40 Corvettes & the stunning 1950's convertibles. The Horton Classic Car Museum building was at one time the Ford Dealership in Nocona, TX. With over 135 cars in its collection our members all had their own favorites not including their Model S cars parked outside. As the collection continues to grow we wonder when a certain American electric car will be added to the collection in Nocona.
After Horton, we took winding back roads into Oklahoma to McGehee Catfish. They are famous for their all-you-can-eat catfish dinner. While eating our delicious catfish we got to visit and discuss Tesla things in between bites. Ludicrous Mode, launch mode, drafting & our lifetime Wh/mi were just a few topics of discussion. Once we ate the last hush puppy & finished the last piece of catfish, we settled our checks and set off for Denton to charge before returning to our homes in DFW.
Below are some of our trips photos & a slide show. Please feel free to add your photos to our Facebook Gallery.